Our Typical Investments:
Majority ownership:
You’re looking to exit the biz and have someone else operate
50% Ownership: Founder Liquidity, Recapping, Full exit (smaller deals).
We’re open to deal structures and Founder involvement post deal.
Growth Round: to throw fuel on the fire and take some chips off the table.
< 50% Ownership: Growth rounds to help you scale up.
Criteria for All Deals:
Geo: North America. (Sorry APAC & EMEA) would love to expand their some day.
Strong Managers & Frontline team. We’ll parachute in, but we’re looking to promote Operators from within.
Ideally a replacement to run the biz is waiting in the wings.
I’d love to get my hands dirty operating again, but the 10 year vision isn’t for me to run the biz.
Stand out or Unique Value Proposition.
Why are you the market leader or could become one?
Large & Growing TAM (Total Addressable Market)
Operating for 7-10 years (Min 3 years).
We like distressed assets, carve outs, you name it. If you’re dumping we’re looking.
IP preferred.
eCom Brands:
Target Size $1m - $10m EBITDA eCom brands. (Typically $10m - $100m in Topline)
Prefer odd verticals or not your typical biz.
(Ex. Not excited about Apparel)
If it sells online we’re open to it
Exclusions: Alphabet Soup bizs (Anything overseen by DEA, ATF, FDA etc).